Business process management model integrated with risk management to improve the production process
Risk management, Business process management, Risk-aware business process management.Abstract
The market is increasingly competitive and, therefore, organizations have adopted techniques to ensure their own survival. Business Process Management (BPM) has been adopted because it offers a significant improvement in organizational performance. However, processes are facing risks that can impact their objectives. The integration between business process management and risk management techniques is called R-BPM. Despite obtaining satisfactory results with the use of R-BPM, the scientific base in this area is scarce, with incomplete integration between techniques and the absence of an adequate support tool. This article aims to fill this gap by developing a generic model for integrating all phases of the BPM life cycle with risk management and the use of appropriate support tools. The proposal was tested in a real process and the results showed that the method, in addition to allowing complete integration between the techniques, is largely effective.Downloads
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