Implementation of regulatory standards for tobacco-Brazil presses
Safety in machinery and equipment, Brazilian regulatory norms, Tobacco presses, Protective measures, Risk machinery.Abstract
The main legislation applied to machines in Brazil is the Regulatory Standard 12 (NR-12) dealing with the Workplace Safety in machinery and equipment which was approved by Ordinance No. 3241 in June 8th, 1978 by the Ministry of Labour. The NR-12 defines technical references, fundamental principles and protective measures to ensure the health and physical integrity of workers. In this context, the goal of this work is to suggest security measures in a pneumatic press of tobacco according to Regulation Standard No. 12, as well as ensure the workers safety. We utilized a risk evaluation method known as HRN (Hazard Rating Number) applied to offer greater precision in risk checks on machines. Our results indicate the security measures that should be adopted for the implementation of the NR-12 in tobacco presses.
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