The SIG in the public gestation: the critic analysis of a successful case – challenges and perspectives


  • Cristiane Vaz Domingues Unicamp
  • Luciana Lessa Simões Uninove, SP



Geoprocessamento. Georreferenciamento. Modernização administrativa. Planejamento municipal. Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG).


Since 1990, several new technologies have emerged as important tools, such as the geographic information systems (GIS) that support the process of decision making in government agencies and municipalities. It has contributed significantly to the management of essential issues such as the proper allocation of public investments, monitoring the impact of public policies and availability of updated information about the territory to different users among other functions, allowing strategic analysis of the city and its management. In this article, it is introduced, in Section 1, the concepts used in the GIS environment. In Section 2, it is addressed the importance of suitable technical specification in obtaining data and geographic information. In Section 3 there is an exposition of strategic steps of a GIS project execution. In Section 4 some practical examples of application in different areas of government and their integration are displayed


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Author Biographies

Cristiane Vaz Domingues, Unicamp

Mestre e doutoranda – Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo – FEC/Unicamp. São Paulo – SP

Luciana Lessa Simões, Uninove, SP

Mestre em Planejamento Urbano – UnB; Professora de Arquitetura e Urbanismo – Uninove. São Paulo – SP



How to Cite

Domingues, C. V., & Simões, L. L. (2008). The SIG in the public gestation: the critic analysis of a successful case – challenges and perspectives. Exacta, 5(2), 353–360.
  • Abstract 656
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 522