Preliminary research on the durability of buildings in the metropolitan area of Recife


  • Kalline da Silva Almeida POLI/UPE
  • Milena do Rego Souza POLI/UPE
  • Manuela Queiroz Oliveira POLI/UPE
  • Eliana Barreto Monteiro POLI/UPE
  • Alberto Casado Lordsleem Junior POLI/UPE



Durabilidade. Inspeção. Manutenção.


The number of constructions that present precocious deterioration and damage manifestations of diverse origins has increased. In this research, the structures of two different constructions were evaluated. The methodology used was the practical study of the constructions called ER-01 and ER-02, respectively. After analysis of the construction results, ER- 01 was considered compatible with the group of environment aggressiveness in which it is set and the results presented indications of a good quality of design and execution. Still, it would be advisable to carry out some programmed inspections and immediate maintenances in all the critical elements. ER-02 presented low environmental aggressiveness and the analysis results indicate signals of constructive vices. Predominant factors have been execution errors and lack of environment aggressiveness as the causes of problems. Considering the difficulty in overcoming the factors of environmental aggressiveness, the control of the constructive vices is of great importance. Therefore, it requires the qualification of hand labor of the civil construction industry and the necessity of periodic maintenance, which contributes to avoid the development of damage.


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Author Biographies

Kalline da Silva Almeida, POLI/UPE

Graduanda em Engenharia Civil – POLI/UPE (Escola Politécnica de Pernambuco). Recife – PE

Milena do Rego Souza, POLI/UPE

Graduanda em Engenharia Civil – POLI/UPE (Escola Politécnica de Pernambuco). Recife – PE

Manuela Queiroz Oliveira, POLI/UPE

Graduanda em Engenharia Civil – POLI/UPE (Escola Politécnica de Pernambuco). Recife – PE

Eliana Barreto Monteiro, POLI/UPE

Doutora em Engenharia Civil – USP; Professora na graduação e na pós-graduação de Engenharia Civil – POLI/UPE. Recife – PE

Alberto Casado Lordsleem Junior, POLI/UPE

Doutor em Engenharia Civil – USP; Professor na graduação e na pós-graduação de Engenharia Civil – POLI/UPE. Recife – PE



How to Cite

Almeida, K. da S., Souza, M. do R., Oliveira, M. Q., Monteiro, E. B., & Lordsleem Junior, A. C. (2008). Preliminary research on the durability of buildings in the metropolitan area of Recife. Exacta, 5(2), 267–274.
  • Abstract 167
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 156