Industry 4.0: barriers for implementation in the brazilian industries
Industry 4.0, Supply chain, IoT.Abstract
In recent years, the newest innovation in manufacturing processes has been the so-called Industry 4.0. It has been considered as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, using concepts of like Internet of Things (IoT) combined with industrial automation, which adds intelligence to manufacturing and a myriad of possibilities for industries producing according to customers' requirements. This article aims to identify barriers to implement Industry 4.0 in Brazil, considering the some companies belonging to the automotive supply chain. This sector was chosen because it applies constant innovations in its productive chain, seeking the continuous improvement in the management of its processes. Through multiple case studies, personal semi-structured interviews were conducted with some companies and related professional in the automotive supply chain. The interviews were conducted with production and information technology managers at two automobile assemblers and at a first-tier supplier. Also included in this study was a consulting firm in the area of information security that operates in the automotive sector and a specialist that works in the academic area, with research interests in the auto industry. As a conclusion of this work, it was possible identify a set comprising the main barriers that should be considered for the improved effectiveness of the Industry 4.0 implementation.
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