Cross-functional integration in the context of product development: literature review and research agenda
Integration, New Product Development, Integration Mechanisms.Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to systematically review the literature on cross-functional integration in the NPD context. A systematic literature review was conducted in order to identify and analyze the main research streams. The literature search ended up in final sample of 87 papers which were consideration in this review. The content analysis of the articles allowed to identify and characterize three main categories: Research streams; Integration factors and Phases in the NPD cycle. Moreover, descriptive data related to Main journals, Year and Field research country were also analyzed. Three propositions were developed, and indicate the need for cross-functional integration for NPD efficiency in three situations: a high flow of projects within the NPD, high involvement of the company with innovation and high complexity of the NPD process. Finally, a research agenda was developed based on the articulation between existing theory and bibliometric analyses.
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