Musculoskeletal disorders and risk factors in string musicians


  • Evadio Pereira Filho IFPB e UFRN
  • Junior Raimundo da Silva IFPB



Musculoskeletal complaints, String instrumentalists, Risk factors.


Several workers suffer from musculoskeletal disorders and the situation is even more troubling for musicians, because it is common the musical activity do not be the main source of income. This study evaluated in which extent musculoskeletal disorders and risk factors affect string musicians. Evaluations were performed within groups defined by demographic and behavioural variables. Spearman and Mann-Whitney U tests were applied. A total of 97 string instrumentalists were questioned.  Results indicated that bodily regions most affected were upper limbs and column. In turn, inadequate posture represented the element that most cooperated for the arise of musculoskeletal disjunctions. In general, there was no evidence to indicate that predictors of musculoskeletal disorders were similar or divergent among conglomerates. Musicians constantly suffered with complaints in upper limbs occasioned to maintain inappropriate postures during their activities.


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Biografia do Autor

Evadio Pereira Filho, IFPB e UFRN

PhD student in Administration from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Professor at the Instituto Federal da Paraíba

Junior Raimundo da Silva, IFPB

Graduated in Occupational Safety by the Instituto Federal da Paraíba.


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Como Citar

Pereira Filho, E., & da Silva, J. R. (2019). Musculoskeletal disorders and risk factors in string musicians. Exacta, 18(1), 16–36.



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