Automatic visual inspection of agricultural grains: relationships between scientific publication and grains production and consumption
agroindustry 4.0, computer vision, automatic visual inspection, grains.Abstract
One of the technologies widely used in Industry 4.0 is computer vision. In the context of Agroindustry 4.0, this technology has enabled the implementation of computer tools for automatic inspection of visual quality of agricultural products, from planting to post-harvest stages. Visual inspection of agricultural grains in the post-harvest stage, for example, can generate competitive advantages to companies, as it allows for greater standardization of results, leading to higher quality products and, therefore, with greater added value. Scientific production on the theme “automatic visual inspection of agricultural grains” has grown a lot in the last two decades. Despite that, it is not known if the volume of scientific publications produced by the countries that stand out in this field of research has any relationship (direct or indirect) with the volume of grains produced or consumed by them. The present work provides an overview of scientific publications on the investigated topic, considering the period 2010 to 2020, as well as the production and consumption volumes of grains such as rice, beans, corn, soybeans and wheat. From this panorama, the existence of relationships between the number of published papers and the volume of grain production/consumption was investigated.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Robson Ap. Gomes, Eli Veiga Júnior, Sidnei Alves de Araújo

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