Research, posgraduate and commodified knowledge in Brazil


  • Celso do Prado Ferraz de Carvalho Universidade Nove de Julho – UNINOVE. São Paulo, SP
  • João dos Reis Silva Júnior Universidade Federal de São Carlos



Commodified Knowledge. National Postgraduate Plan. Educational Politics. World Class University.


In this article, we discuss educational policies that have been defining the Brazilian postgraduate in the last decades. In the context of the transition from the monopolistic regime of accumulation to that of accumulation under financial predominance, we highlight the current search for transformation of this postgraduate in the molds proposed by World Class University. In this purpose, we initially recovered the post-graduation organization trajectory, expressed in different plans formulated in the last decades. Following we present data on investment in research and training of cadres resulting from this expansion. Finally, we briefly analyze the V National Postgraduate Plan for the period 2011-2020, trying to show how it incorporates and expresses aspects of this movement.


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Author Biographies

Celso do Prado Ferraz de Carvalho, Universidade Nove de Julho – UNINOVE. São Paulo, SP

João dos Reis Silva Júnior, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

 João dos Reis Silva JúniorProfessor Doutor em Educação Universidade Federal de São Carlos.



How to Cite

CARVALHO, Celso do Prado Ferraz de; SILVA JÚNIOR, João dos Reis. Research, posgraduate and commodified knowledge in Brazil. EccoS – Revista Científica, [S. l.], n. 44, p. 23–42, 2017. DOI: 10.5585/eccos.n44.8015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 mar. 2025.



Dossiê temático: Políticas de educação superior
  • Abstract 327
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 257