The philosopher's responsibility and educational challenges in times of activism: reading Gabriel Marcel
activism, the philosopher's responsibility, philosophy of education, media education, Gabriel MarcelAbstract
At a time when science, technology and technocracy are being overemphasised, when the technological universe is being sought as the answer and the basis for the great questions, there is a clear need to give the philosopher a voice again, to ask him about the problems that affect contemporaneity. Discussing the philosopher's responsability in the world is an important challenge. The French thinker Gabriel Marcel gave this question a central place in several of his lectures and works, bringing the philosophy of idealism to the philosophy of existence, centred on concrete beings. The issues of war, totalitarianism, technological progress, the threat of nuclear power, human rights, ideological persecution, religion, race, gender and sexual orientation have all been considered in the light of this same responsibility. Activism in the 20th and 21st centuries has played an important role in educating citizens about these issues. Marcel questioned the place and limits of the philosopher's intervention in these movements. In line with Montessori, he placed the hope for a peaceful world in education, where the responsibility of the philosopher and educator would materialise in concrete actions that would lead to the realisation of this mission. Education for peace, education for tolerance and education for citizenship are the challenges of education in the age of activism.
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