John Dewey's contributions to the implementation of design thinking in education
active learning, experience theory, experimentationAbstract
The article emphasizes the importance of improving education as an essential pillar for progress and innovation in any society. To this end, it highlights John Dewey's theory as a fundamental guide for a pedagogical approach that prioritizes experience as a central source of learning. Dewey supported the view that knowledge is constructed through the individual's interaction with their surroundings, aligning with the principles of Design Thinking, which emerges as a transformative methodology that places the student at the center of the solution, actively involving them in the teaching and learning process. To achieve the proposed objective, a literature narrative was carried out, through the analysis of works that address Design Thinking and the Theory of Experience. From reflection, a range of possibilities opens up to compensate and improve pedagogical practices, creating learning experiences that are more aligned with the demands of the contemporary world. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of understanding the concept of experience from John Dewey's perspective, highlighting it as an essential element for the learning process and as a starting point for analyzing potential transformations in the educational context.
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