Written text production during the covid-19 pandemic through remote teaching in portuguese language classes





pandemic, remote teaching, text production, writing


In this study, based on the theoretical-methodological assumptions of the so-called “State of the Art”, we compare analytical gestures relating to written questions prepared in the classroom. Assuming its importance in the teaching-learning processes, the reflections will be outlined based on the selection, analysis and understanding of academic research that has recently focused on the issue. Our focus is on the Portuguese Language discipline, mainly in relation to the actions developed during the pandemic period, that is, in the context of Emergency Remote Teaching. We therefore aim to understand how teachers enabled the active maintenance of writing practices amid the context of distancing imposed by the health and social crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic. In this aspect, we consider the setbacks faced with the didactic-pedagogical changes resulting from the transition from face-to-face teaching to the digital environment. Therefore, we designed a systematic review, based on searches in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) database and the Capes Periodicals Portal. These searches were carried out using the descriptors “writing”, “Portuguese language classes”, “remote teaching” and “pandemic”. Our results indicate that, during the pandemic, teachers used different methodologies, seeking to minimize the impacts of the socio-historical context in question and, thus, opening up margins for maintaining contact with the act of writing.



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Author Biographies

Rafael Signato de Melo, Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro

Currently, I am a Master's student in Education at the PPGE (Postgraduate Program in Education) at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro. I hold a postgraduate degree in Portuguese Language, Writing, and Public Speaking from Barão de Mauá University (2015). I earned my undergraduate degree in Portuguese/Spanish Language and their respective Literatures from the University Foundation of Tocantins (2011). I am a tenured state public servant, working as a basic education teacher and Coordinator of the New High School (NEM) at Francisco Cândido Xavier State School. Recently, I also started teaching Writing and Literature at Escola Criativa.

Acir Mário Karwoski, Federal University of Paraná

Bachelor's degree in Portuguese and English Language Teaching from UNESPAR - União da Vitória. Master's degree in Applied Linguistics from UNITAU and a Ph.D. in Linguistics from UFPR. Completed a postdoctoral fellowship funded by CAPES (Process BEX 015/15-6) at the Department of Education at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), under the supervision of Professor Charles Bazerman. Pursued lato sensu specializations in Portuguese-language literatures at UNICENTRO, Portuguese language and literature at UNESPAR, and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in University Management at UNISAL/SEMESP.

Served as Pro-Rector of Undergraduate Studies at UFTM from 2010 to 2014. Member and participant of the Early Childhood Education Chamber of the Municipal Education Council of Uberaba from 2009 to 2015. Conducts interdisciplinary research in letters and education, focusing on language, education, and new technologies; Portuguese as a host language (PLAc/PLE), written culture, and digital literacy.Currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Portuguese Language. Teaches in the undergraduate program in Letters and participates in the Professional Master's Program in Letters and the Master's and Doctorate Program in Education (PPGE).Researcher at LabELFE - Laboratory of Reading, Speaking, and Writing Teaching (UFTM). Coordinator of the GPELLP research group - Education, Languages, and Portuguese Language, certified by CNPq/UFTM. Coordinated the Portuguese Language sub-project of the Pedagogical Residency Program funded by Capes/MEC (2020/2022). Served as Institutional Coordinator of the Pedagogical Residency Program (PRP) (Nov. 2022 - Apr. 2023).Member of the Institutional Extension Committee and ad hoc reviewer for extension (PROEXT) and research (PIBIC) programs. Member of the Research and Graduate Studies Council (COPPG/UFTM). Member of FEPAE - Forum of Editors of Journals in the Field of Education (ANPED). Managing Editor of Revista Triângulo (ISSN 2175-1609).Active in the Textual/Discursive Genres Working Group of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Letters and Linguistics (ANPOLL). Member of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education (ANPED). Holds Chair No. 37 in the Academia de Letras do Vale do Iguaçu (ALVI). Member of BASIS - INEP/MEC Course Reviewer.


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How to Cite

MELO, Rafael Signato de; KARWOSKI, Acir Mário. Written text production during the covid-19 pandemic through remote teaching in portuguese language classes. EccoS – Revista Científica, [S. l.], n. 71, p. e25555, 2024. DOI: 10.5585/eccos.n71.25555. Disponível em: https://uninove.emnuvens.com.br/eccos/article/view/25555. Acesso em: 12 mar. 2025.
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