Notes on the circular epistemology of afrocarnavales blocs of Salvador
afoxés. afro blocks, carnival, circularity, epistemology.Abstract
In conceiving the space of carnival from its internal socioeconomic, political and cultural tensions, the black population of Salvador (BA) has been, since the second half of the 19th century, elaborating forms of entertainment that, in addition to entertainment, both denounce ethnic-racial exclusion and announce anti-racist possibilities of social organization. Taking as empirical basis the context of soteropolitan carnival and as a theoretical contribution the contributions of Paulo Freire and other authors of Brazilian critical thinking,and this article examines how the dialectic contained in the complaint/announcement relationship, expressed in the community-carnival practices, constituted a circular epistemology of a critical and transformative nature, indispensable to the pedagogical praxis of two important cultural phenomena afro-Bahians, afoxés and afro blocs. In this sense, it was possible to observe that from the bands, rehearsals, themes, music festivals, black beauty festivals and afro-referenced aesthetics, fantasies, social actions and schools, the main component elements of Afrocarnavalesca praxis, knowledge and values are organically produced by the set of entities/communities/revelers(s), constituting an epistemology of a clearly circular nature.
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