Collaborative laboratory in art and education: creation process in groups among educators
Evaluation, Dialog, Non-formal education, Art museum, Creative process in groupsAbstract
This article presents an analysis of the creation processes in groups from the project of non-formal education Laboratório Colaborativo em Arte e Educação (Collaborative Laboratory in Art and Education, in Portuguese), which occurred during 2018 at the art gallery that belongs to CAIXA Cultural Curitiba and at three schools in Curitiba, Brazil. The analysis is based on process documentation that has been stored, such as photographs, drawings, videos, text messages, written evaluation, among others, which show how the different subjects involved at the project (teachers, museum educators, students, families and artists) acted in order to create their planning. The study intends to evaluate, from a qualitative point of view, the resulting dialog between museum and school. The methodology has a theoretical basis on the creative process criticism by Cecília Almeida Salles; the reflection on dialog is developed based on Paulo Freire; and authors Maria da Glória Gohn and Michèlle Petit are a support for the discussion on planning, cultural mediation and non-formal education on art. After the research we understand that the evaluation of an educational action will be progressively more meaningful the more documents we find to relate among each other; we also understand that the opening for the transformations in the planning during each experience of the project improved the quality of the dialog between the schools and the museum and became a part of the dialog itself.
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