New family arrangements and homoparentality: an appreciation of the game of life “modern families”
Discrimination, Family, Performativity, Social Representations, SexualityAbstract
Despite the understanding that family structures in Brazil have changed, including recent data of Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, 2010), legislation from Brazil is still very ambiguous and biased in its interpretation by assigning conceptually to the family entity as the lasting, public and continuous coexistence of a man and a woman, established for the purpose of family formation. In this way, any conception that escapes this pattern establishes a difficulty to conceive as family by avoiding the convention of the "margarine commercial" stereotype. Non-recognition leads to the exclusion and, consequently, to the violation of human rights, marginalizing and establishing a condition of subordination to couples who do not correspond to the norm established. Thus, this work proposes to perform an analysis on the representation and performativity of other familiar entities addressed in an edition of “The Game of Life” - board game of the Estrela – called Modern Families. In addition to the traditional family, gay family adoptive child, independent and child of divorced parents are present in a person's development possibilities throughout their personal and professional lives. Thus, we try to analyze the extent to which this game contributes to respect for diversity, new family formations and the breaking of patterns and stereotypes perpetuated by the media about homosexual individuals or those who simply do not want to maintain a stable relationship with another person.
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