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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal;
  • The submitted text does not contain identification of the author (s);
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format;
  • The submission meets all the normative aspects described in "Guidelines for authors".

Author Guidelines

Articles and reviews written in Portuguese or Spanish may be submitted to the analysis of ECCOS SCIENTIFIC Journal’s Editorial Board. Reviews must correspond to recent works, not exceeding one year after the time of book publication.
Works submitted to the Editorial Board will be evaluated on the basis of scientific merit, adherence to the guidelines of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) as well as to the editorial policies set forth herein.
Articles must be original and unpublished in Brazil. Works that have been presented in scientific events held in foreign countries may not exceed one year of their presentation and this date should be stated. The Editorial Board will not accept reviews or articles submitted simultaneously to other national or foreign publications.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to accept or not any of the works submitted and may suggest modifications in order to adapt the texts to the publication.
Articles should have no more than 3 (three) authors. All authors must be identified in the Journal’s online submission platform:
Texts should not contain any author-identifying information.
Submissions must include as a separate file an authorization form (according to the model available on the journal's website) stating the article is an exclusive publication by ECCOS SCIENTIFIC Journal.
The institution and/or any of the editorial bodies of this publication shall not be held responsible for the opinions, ideas and concepts expressed in the texts, which are the sole responsibility of their author(s).
All papers will be submitted to the evaluation of at least two reviewers, maintaining the confidentiality and anonymity of both author(s) and reviewers.
Summaries of evaluation results will be sent to the respective author(s) in case of paper refusal or acceptance with modifications.
Papers must be submitted exclusively through the platform available on the ECCOS SCIENTIFIC Journal’s website.
Submissions should follow the instructions below:
1) Texts should be prepared using Word Editor (.doc) or compatible editing program; font: Times New Roman; size 12; left alignment; no paragraph indentation; double spacing between lines.
2) Articles must have from 14,000 to 45,000 characters (with spaces), and reviews must have from 3,500 to 10,000 characters (with spaces).
3) Articles must contain the following sections: 
a) title; 
b) abstract (from 100 to 150 words); 
c) keywords (maximum 5) 
g)References that appear in the text must mandatorily be included at the end section.
h) Include in references of eleteconic articles DOI in accessible format, that is with prefix
4) Explanatory notes, which are not to be confused with source references, must come at end of the text, with sequential numbering in Arabic numerals.
5) Units of measurement must follow the standards of the International System of Units (SI), developed by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) []. In exceptional cases, the unit adopted must be followed by the SI unit in parentheses.
6) Foreign words must be written in italics and neologisms or unusual meanings in normal font and between "quotation marks".
7) Papers containing graphs, charts, tables or any type of illustration must have their corresponding legends, including the complete source and position in the text. Files must be forwarded separately and, whenever possible, in the drawing program original format (e.g.: CAD, CDR, EPS, JPG, TIF, XLS). Images must be high definition (minimum 300 dots per inch [DPIs]). Maps or micrographs must include their respective scale marks. 
8) In Microsoft Office documents, the author identification must be removed from the document properties (in the File > Properties menu), click the File tab on the main menu, next File > Info > Check for Issues > Inspect Document > Inspect > choose to Remove everything in the dialog box, review the results in Document Inspector and save.

Citations in the texts to be published by ECCOS SCIENTIFIC Journal must follow the standards established by the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (ABNT). To check or acquire the standards, visit: <>.

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The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.