An integrative framework to driver innovation among dairy actors




value co-creation, business-to-business, dairy production, data science, innovation


Objective of the study: We aim to propose, and test an integrative framework for actors’ orchestration in the dairy sector based on a data science perspective to drive innovation.

Methodology/Approach: To achieve this aim, a systematic literature review and content analysis were conducted, then, an integrative framework was developed and empirically tested. Subsequently, incremental adjustments in the framework’s data structure were performed based on the interviews conducted through the focus group were taken into consideration. Increasing the framework assertiveness and adaptability in different contexts.

Originality/Relevance: The article delves into the world of dairy production, focusing on the key players in the milk and its derivatives sector. It emphasizes the crucial role of data in driving innovation and value co-creation among these actors. By collecting and displaying the relevant data, each player can unlock new opportunities for growth and collaboration within the value chain. The data science principle forms the bedrock of this process, as it enables a deeper understanding of the data flow and facilitates effective information-sharing across the right value chain actors.

Main results: A framework that encompasses key data that can be shared among actors, to foster information exchange and long-term relationships, promoting transparency in the process, which raises a sense of trustworthiness, responsibility, and innovation.

Theoretical/Methodological contributions: The study involves the development of an integrative framework that is constructed based on insights gathered from the systematic literature review and content analysis. This framework serves as a comprehensive and cohesive structure for understanding the utilization of data flow to connect stakeholders in the dairy sector. It highlights the key elements necessary for successful actors' relationships and outlines the potential impact on value co-creation and the generation of valuable information. Empirical contributions are made through the testing and validation of this framework with a diverse range of stakeholders in the dairy sector. Through focus groups involving multiple players within the industry, valuable insights are gathered, and the framework is tested. The empirical findings validate the applicability and effectiveness of the framework, ensuring its practicality and relevance.

Social/management contributions: The framework elevates the knowledge level about the dairy sector and its practices among stakeholders. It amplifies the potential for innovation within the sector, serves as a guiding tool that encourages stakeholders to explore new avenues for enhancing the customer experience. The social and management contributions are evident in its ability to empower stakeholders with knowledge, inspire innovation, and elevate the overall customer experience in the dairy sector.


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Author Biographies

Andrei Bonamigo, Fluminense Federal University –UFF. Volta Redonda, RJ

Doctor in Production Engineering

Ana Carolina Custódio Lopes, Fluminense Federal University – UFF. Volta Redonda, RJ

Undergraduate student in Production Engineering

Lucas Ferreira Mendes, Fluminense Federal University – UFF. Volta Redonda, RJ

Bachelor in Industrial Engineering

Herlandí de Souza Andrade, University of São Paulo – USP. Lorena, SP

Doctor in Sciences. 

César Augustus Winck, Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe University – UNIARP. Caçador, SC

Doctor in Agribusiness. 


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How to Cite

Bonamigo, A., Lopes, A. C. C., Mendes, L. F., Andrade, H. de S., & Winck, C. A. (2024). An integrative framework to driver innovation among dairy actors. International Journal of Innovation, 12(1), e24025.



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