Information Technology Project Portfolio and Strategy Alignment Assessment Based on Data Envelopment Analysis


  • Marisa Analía Sánchez Universidad Nacional del Sur
  • Lidia Susana Toscana Universidad Nacional del Sur



Project Portfolio Assessment, Strategy Alignment, Strategy Maps, Data Envelopment Analysis.


Recent researches have shown that companies face considerable difficulties in assessing the strategy value contribution of Information Technology (IT) investments. One of the major obstacles to achieving strategy alignment is that organizations find extremely difficult to link and quantify the IT investments benefits with strategic goals. The aim of this paper is to define an approach to assess portfolio-strategy alignment. To this end a formal specification of Kaplan and Norton Strategy Map is developed utilizing Unified Modeling Language (UML). The approach uses the Strategy Map as a framework for defining the portfolio value contribution and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is used as the methodology for measuring efficiency of project portfolios.



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Como Citar

Sánchez, M. A., & Toscana, L. S. (2012). Information Technology Project Portfolio and Strategy Alignment Assessment Based on Data Envelopment Analysis. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 3(2), 116–145.



  • Resumo 213
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